Showing posts with label Marvelous Returns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marvelous Returns. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Marvelous Returns: New Writings

Here are two things that I never thought would get published: One is an interview I did with artist Charles Gute way back in 2009. Read it at The Conversant. Bonus points if you can explain to me what I was trying to say... 
 (Charles Gute - "Interview with Lawrence Weiner")
The other is a small piece (with pictures!) I wrote for the New York Moon, about the first modern mapping expedition to Jerusalem: the ever-notorious and raring-for-a-comeback "1865 Ordnance Survey of Jerusalem." The New York Moon is an online magazine published by Steven Hasty and Zack Sultan.
 ("Ecce Homo Arch" from the Ordnance Survey)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Marvelous Returns: El Changoleón in VICE

My article on Changoleón, the drunk, formerly homeless, rumored-to-be-dead Mexican reality TV star is now out in the August issue of VICE. What started out as a simple story about a famous alcoholic turned into a kind of interesting look at Mexican television and D.F. social tensions.

Some of you may remember the picture I snapped of the Monkey-Lion back on Halloween. It took another few months to track him down, one more to translate the interview with him, and another two or so to find him in Acapulco and get some professional pictures. But then again, it was almost as hard to get an interview with the producers of the TV shows Changoleon was on as it was to find him. I guess that's Mexico.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Marvelous Returns: La Surprise

The first in a series of posts. (This Believer article was the original.)

In 2007, a British family held a routine valuation of their country home. In a corner of a drawing room, the appraisers uncovered an oil painting of two lovers engaged in an unexpected embrace while an amused guitarist looks on. The panel was a lost masterpiece by the French-Flemish painter Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684-1721), which had not been seen for two hundred years. Appropriately, its title is La Surprise.

Watteau probably painted La Surprise in 1718 for Nicolas Hénin, an adviser to King XV of France. After Hénin's death it passed to Jean de Jullienne, Watteau's biographer, who sold it sometime before 1756. After appearing in a 1764 catalog of Ange-Laurent de la Live de Jully, the first serious collector of French painting, La Surprise vanished from official records during the upheavals of the French Revolution. Sometime in the early 19th century it arrived in England, and in 1848, one Lady Murray bequeathed the painting to the family of the current owners (who have not been identified publicly), where it rested in obscurity until the 21st century. At its auction in 2008, Christies valued La Surprise at nearly $10,000,000. It sold for over $24,000,000.

Watteau himself is a surprising figure. Born in a Flemish town under French control, he was variously identified as French and Flemish during his lifetime, though he spent most of his career in Paris. In 1720, suffering from chronic ill health, Watteau traveled to London to seek treatment from the famous physician Dr. Richard Mead. But the city's climate worsened the frail painter's condition, and he returned to France only to die the following year at the age of 37. Equally surprising is Watteau's improvisational method of composition, in which he began with a landscape and then inserted figures taken from studies in his notebooks, adjusting or deleting them until he arrived at the final arrangement. In the case of La Surprise, the guitar player is an actor from the Comedie Italienne, dressed as the character Mezzetin, while the lovers are copied from a 1635 painting by Rubens which was held in the French royal collection during Watteau's time. Radiographs have revealed an entirely different surprise beneath Watteau's final image: a recapitulation of the painter's older composition, La Sérénade Italienne.